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Hall of Fame Class of 2019

 Rick Kulek

Rick has been playing softball as part of NAGAAA since 1995 and won the Big Apple Softball League in New York “Rookie of the Year” award for the B division during that very first season. His persistence paid off as it was 8 years before they were a part of a tournament winning team, so always keep at it!  Additionally, he has participated in 10 World Series tournaments and was a member of ten other winning tournament teams, including 8 while participating in the Palm Springs Gay Softball League. As an integral member of the PSGSL since 2006, he has served in numerous leadership roles including assistant commissioner and open tournament director. He also served as Vice President of the Palm Springs Senior Softball National league and was instrumental in increasing LGBTQ participation in that league from 4% to 20%. As a manager and player of the Masters Division team for PSGSL, Rick was able to secure a first place victory in the Tampa World Series just last year. He has played on many teams including the Double As, Greyhounds, Desert Storm, and Desert Dogs. 


Phillip Garrett

Phillip joined  PSGSL in the spring of 2005 and went on to be a part of the very first World Series Team sent by Palm Springs in 2006. Since that impressive start in the league, he has helped to guide the organization in a positive direction through his leadership serving on numerous board positions, including Open Division Direction, Assistant Commissioner, and a ratings committee member. Additionally, he started and led the process to get PSGSL back into the NAGAAA organization in 2012. He, along with Jeff Herman, co-founded the ever popular Turkey Shootout held right here in Palm Springs. His impressive tournament wins include being a part of both A-division Championship teams, Rounders 2.0 and most recently winning the NAGAAA Cup tournament in Denver, CO.  Phillip has been a manager and mentor to numerous teams throughout the years.


Vicky Harrison

Vicky joined the league in late 2009 as part of the then D-Division RoadRunnerz but soon after found her home as part of the Dynamite team, now named The Heat.  In August 2012, she was elected league treasurer and took over the daunting task of cleaning up the financial status of the league, which was plagued with barely functional accounting systems, suspended corporate status, and unfiled taxes. Working quickly to file back taxes and place accounting systems to work, Vicky was able to reconcile the books all the way back to the league start in 2004. Her crowning achievement was being able to gain 501(c) 3 non-profit status for the league, allowing donors and sponsors to make tax deductible donations to the organization’s operations. Since that accomplishment she has served on the board for 7 years including 4 consecutive terms as league treasurer. Her leadership also expands to the national stage where she serves on numerous committees and attends bi-annual meetings for NAGAAA governance. Lastly, her ability on the field can be evidenced by competing on three World Series teams in Austin, Portland, and Tampa, most recently playing on the first place winning Master’s World Series Team in Tampa last year.


Martín Juarez

Martín entered the league in 2007 as co-captain of the DAP Titans and the following year became a part of the newly formed D-division Roadrunnerz. Playing four seasons in the D division winning championships or runner-up each year, he went on to become the Manager and Coach of the PS Roadrunnerz for 10 years. Under his guidance and leadership, they completed almost all successful seasons. Providing overall leadership to the league as a whole Martín served on the board of directors as Vice Commissioner. On the field, he has represented PSGSL at numerous tournaments in Phoenix, Long Beach, San Diego, and Las Vegas over the last 9 years. Lastly, this NAGAAA World Series veteran has attended the last three national tournaments in Austin, Portland, and Tampa, each with a respectable placement.