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Nomination Criteria Document




A nominator must be an active PSGSL member in good standing.

Anyone who is personally familiar with the nominee may nominate him/her for the PSGSL Hall of Fame by filling out and submitting the PSGSL Hall of Fame Application below. We strongly recommend the application include a photograph of the nominee, as names alone may not adequately identify the nominee. A photograph provides a visual reference that may jog the memory of those individuals who cast votes. The photograph becomes the property of the PSGSL Hall of Fame.



The living members of the PSGSL Hall of Fame Committee vote on the nominees each year, based on the credentials presented within the applications. The candidate who receives at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast are then inducted into the PSGSL Hall of Fame at the awards ceremony at the end of the spring season.

  • Nominations will be accepted October 1st through April 1st.
  • A ballot, with applications, to be compiled and distributed to the voting members, for review, on or before April 15th.
  • After review of nomination materials, final voting on nominees shall take place on or before May 1st.



A ballot and nomination materials will then be distributed to voting members according to the By-Laws.

After all nomination materials have been reviewed, a confidential ballot vote will be executed by the voting members of PSGSL Hall of Fame committee and certain members-at large.

The Chair of the Committee will tabulate the results and notify the nominees, the PSGSL Board, and the living PSGSL Hall of Fame candidates of the outcomes.

Any nominee who receives at least two-thirds of the votes cast will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at the PSGSL Hall of Fame dinner during that year’s PSGSL Spring Season Awards Ceremony.



Any person associated with PSGSL, living or deceased, (including players, non-player members, managers, coaches, scorekeepers, sponsors and umpires), who have made significant contributions to their team and/or PSGSL and also who have been associated with the league for at least 10 consecutive seasons or 7 consecutive calendar years.

The application may be submitted by any active PSGSL member or Hall of Fame member who is familiar with the candidate. We strongly recommend that the application include a photograph of the nominee. The reason for the photo is that names do not always convey the person nominated. The photo will become the property of the PSGSL Hall of Fame.

The voting members may vote for as many of the nominees as they wish. A nominee must be selected on at least two-thirds (2/3rds) of the ballots cast to become a member of the PSGSL Hall of Fame. The PSGSL Hall of Fame Committee will tabulate the results of the voting, and notify the nominees, the PSGSL Executive Board, and the living Hall of Fame candidates of the results. The other nominees will carry over to the following year for consideration. After two years of consideration, the nominee will fall off the selection process and would need to be re-nominated for future consideration.

The selected Inductees will be invited as a guest of the League to attend the end of the season spring awards banquet to receive their PSGSL Hall of Fame award. Their name, biography, and/or photo will appear on the PSGSL website and will become eligible to vote on the selection of future Hall of Fame inductees.



  • The living elected members of the PSGSL Hall of Fame.
  • The current PSGSL Hall of Fame committee members.



  • The Chair of this committee shall be appointed by the PSGSL Commissioner.
  • The committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) and no more than nine (9) good-standing and active members as appointed by the Chair and PSGSL Commissioner.
  • PSGSL Hall of Fame committee members are requested to serve a minimum of one full year starting September 1st through the spring season awards banquet.
  • The Chairman will assign duties to members of the committee.



Any good standing member with a minimum of 3 seasons within the PSGSL League (or equivalent, as determined by the Chairman) can be considered for the PSGSL Hall of Fame committee.