Palm Springs Gay Softball League center badge

The PSGSL Hall of Fame is the highest honor bestowed upon an individual within our organization. Members of this esteemed group have made vast and significant contributions to PSGSL since its inception. The membership represents individuals who are pioneers and innovators. It is on their backs that our organization was built and continues to grow.


PSGSL established the Hall of Fame June 2017. The goal of the committee was to honor those people who went beyond playing on the field but endeavored, with their talents off the field, to make this a better league.

The PSGSL Hall of Fame Committee wanted to put special emphasis on people who were pivotal in the formation and expansion of the league for the inaugural selection. In the first year only, the Committee decided to induct those individuals into the Hall of Fame who were instrumental in establishing PSGSL … the “Founding Members”: 

  • Tommie Douglas – Initial Commissioner (and NAGAAA Representative)
  • John Borja – Initial Assistant Commissioner
  • Dorlaine “DL” Stanley – Initial Secretary
  • Steve Avila – Initial Treasurer
  • Jim Hurst – Initial NAGAAA Representative


Starting in the second year, any member of a PSGSL league or association, whether living or deceased, with 10 consecutive seasons or 7 consecutive calendar years’ association with the league, can be nominated to the PSGSL Hall of Fame. The nominee – whether a player, manager, coach, scorekeeper, umpire or fan – should have made significant contributions to PSGSL, his/her team or its members.

Any nominee who is not selected shall be automatically reconsidered in the following 2 years. At that time, if the nominee is not selected, the Chair of the PSGSL Hall of Fame Committee shall notify the maker of the nominee’s application and ask him/her to submit an updated application for the nominee.